
Home remedies to treat cold feet and Kidney Disease

A number of patients with kidney disease are tormented by cold feet, even in climates cálidos.Algunos home remedies are helpful in relieving cold feet for patients with CKD.

Cold feet, hands or legs for kidney patients often attributed to poor circulation sangre.De according to this cause, the following remedies are helpful.

1. Foot bath

This is the direct remedy for kidney patients to make your feet warm, and these patients suggest taking foot bath every day before dormir.A then be found not only his feet, but his whole body hot .The effect will be greater if some herbs that have the property of expanding blood vessels and improving blood circulation are added water baño.Consulte with online doctor to determine which herbs are right for you.


As one of the traditional Chinese medicine therapies, massage not cause any side effect for regular massage can dredge pacientes.El blood vessels to increase blood flow in patients patients foot. Then, cold feet can be alleviated to some extent.

3.The stockings shelter and clothing

Use hot loose and socks, even when you are durmiendo.Esto can effectively help to ease patients cold feet.

4. Food therapy

Take enough nutrition from your diet, so that patients can have enough energy to its dieta.En the same time, patients should also ensure that your food does not load your kidneys or affect your dietary médica.Principios basic condition for patients kidney are low in sodium and low in proteínas.Para obtain an individual diet plan, you can send your description kidneycares@hotmail.com

The above home remedies can help relieve cold feet pacientes.Sin But if they want to overcome this symptom of the root should seek some therapies to repair their damaged kidneys and normalize your blood circulation.

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