
How I can restore renal function with lupus nephritis

Kidney is one of the most common organs affected by SLE, lupus nephritis and only refers to the kidneys damaged by lupus.Frente to decreased renal function, patients must want to restore their timely renal function.

First, patients make clear the onset of lupus nephritis.

As introduced by kidney experts, lupus patients often have immune capacity bajo.Como immune capacity declines, can induce inflammatory reactions fácilmente.Cuando inflammatory reactions occur in the kidneys, it will release a lot of factors inflamatorios.Para fight this disorder, the extracellular matrix anormalmente.Por proliferate Finally, lupus nephritis occurs.

Second, maintain renal disease worse.

The trigger for lupus nephritis is quite complicado.Para avoid aggravating the lupus nephritis patients should avoid cold, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, misuse of drugs, exhaustion, heat stroke, and so these factors sucesivamente.Todos can aggravate the health of lupus nephritis patients easily.

Finally, accept the right treatment plan to restore the kidneys of patients.

Steroids and immunosuppressive drugs are often used to treat lupus nephritis by inhibiting drugs can kill inmunológico.Estos system inflammatory factors in the kidneys and prevent further damage to the kidneys, and may relieve proteinuria and hematuria.Sin yet these effects are not stable. If patients get cold or tired, protein and hematuria can be easily repeated. In addition, these drugs are not able to restore the damaged kidneys.

To repair lupus nephritis kidney patients have better suggestion and therapy called inmunoterapia.Esta therapy can eliminate immune complexes regulate the immune system and rebuild the structure of filtering the riñones.Después to finish this therapy, patients can avoid recurrence of lupus nephritis effectiveness.

In order to enhance the therapeutic effect of combined treatment, patients had better add foot bath and hot compress therapy in its plan tratamiento.A can then find your kidney problem is solved faster.

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