
Chinese herbs to improve 44% of the renal function of patients with PKD

In the clinic, the GFR or eGFR is often used to reflect the level of renal function function renal.La 44% means Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) has progressed in stage 3, in which renal cysts expand rapidly .Therefore, it is time to improve renal function of 44% for patients with PKD.Afortunadamente, Chinese medicinal herbs are useful.

Stage 3 PKD also called extension period that patients have generally been above 40 años.Con expansion of renal cysts, patients are more likely to present a series of clinical manifestations such as back pain, proteinuria , hematuria and blood pressure alta.Etapa 3 PKD is the critical step that Western medicine and Chinese medicine treats.

Western medicines are mainly taken to control symptoms of patients, such as high blood pressure and hematuria, while Chinese medicine can help protect the remaining functional kidney tissues and improve kidney function.

With 2500 years of history, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) shows a large and obvious superiority in regulating the internal environment and the treatment of disorders crónicos.Para treat PKD, some medications are prescribed to reduce all kidney cysts, the same time, by increasing the permeability of the cyst walls and improve blood circulation outside of cystic walls while other Chinese medicines are taken to increase the flow of blood to the kidneys and to increase the capacity of self-healing discapacidad.Como renal cell are repaired more and more damaged intrinsic renal cells, the level of renal function can be increased obviously.

Chinese medicines can actually do much to improve renal function in patients with PKD.Sin however, may need relatively long time to perform its function. From this point, kidney experts who are good in the treatment of kidney disease with TCM create an external application method called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmoterapia.Debido it has to overcome the disadvantages of traditional Chinese medicine, more and more PKD patients prefer to use this therapy for the treatment of kidney disease.

If you want to learn more about Chinese medicine and external application, you can leave your question to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

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