
Palm Rule "Teach diabetics develop a healthy diet plan

Diabetes is a common metabolic disorder in our daily lives. Along with medical treatment, food therapy plays an important role. "Rule of Palm" can lead diabetics to organize a proper diet plan to manage your diabetes and blood sugar.

- Carbohydrates and fruits

Choose two fists of starchy foods that can satisfy the need of patients hydrates carbono.En the same time, diabetics always suggest to control the quantity of fruits, most of which are generally rich in azúcar.De thus, the amount of fruit intake recommended for diabetics may be around a fist.


50 g of protein is about the size of the palm, and diabetics had better control their protein intake to 50 ~ 100 g. To reduce the production of metabolic waste, patients should also select some high quality protein.


Two hands can hold approximately 500 g of vegetables that usually can meet the needs of diabetics for verduras.Además, these patients can get more vitamins and minerals in their consumption of vegetables.


To reduce complications related to diabetes, people with diabetes should limit their intake of fat, and is sufficient for the taking in the size of the tip of the thumb.


Lean meat is a great source of high quality protein. It is reported that about 50 g of lean meat can meet the daily need of the patient. This is the amount of two fingers.


Diabetics had better stay away from alcohol. If they can not stop drinking, the alcohol is approximately thumb, the amount of red wine may be about the index finger, and the amount of beer may be about middle finger.

The above tips can guide patients with diabetes to organize a proper diet plan. To learn more about these tips, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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