IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease that can progress to end stage 5 or stage
slowly, then patients should be confronted by various problems and síntomas.Por
therefore have to wonder how long patients can live with stage May IgA
What is stage 5 IgA nephropathy (IgAN)?
According to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), chronic renal disease,
including IgA nephropathy can be divided into five etapas.Etapa 5 is the final
stage in which the kidneys are severely damaged and the level of kidney function
has decreased to less than 15% .It say when the GFR of patients is less than 15
ml / min, indicating Stage 5 IgA nephropathy.
How about the prognosis for these patients?
According to clinical research, about 35% of patients IgA nephropathy,
finally has the uremia, and the survival rate of kidneys for 10 years is about
80% ~ 90% .In addition level renal function, heavy proteinuria, high blood
pressure, and the formation of diffuse half moon, etc, all can remember the bad
pronóstico.Al like other types of chronic kidney disease, meal plan, lifestyle
and medical treatment also affects the prognosis of stage 5 IgAN patients' and
life expectancy.
Life expectancy for Stage 5 patients IgA nephropathy
Before knowing condition of patients disease in the details, it's hard to
publicize the respuesta.Esto is because even though the level of the renal
function of patients is similar, complications, lifestyle, plan treatment and
diet change option persona.Si person you want to know how long you can live with
this disease in detail, it is necessary to tell us more about your case
médico.Por therefore, kidney expert online since Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease
Hospital can give you the answer.
If you pay attention to the development of modern medicine, you should know
that there are some methods that can prolong the lifespan of the pacientes.Para
learn more about these methods, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.