PKD refers to many small and large propagation cysts in the kidneys, with the
growth of these cysts, patients suffer more and more, even more serious symptoms
happen when kidney failure, complications can cause more symptoms and even
threaten the vida.Entre these symptoms, persistent low-grade fever is común.Los
severe pain patients suffer from fever urge to know the cause and treatment.
The cause of low grade fever in PKD:
With the growth of cysts and rupture, PKD is complicated by an infection of
the urinary tract fácilmente.Acompañado urinary tract infection, patients suffer
symptoms such as urgency, odynuria and pubic pain in the arch area and if the
infection involves the upper urinary tract, patients suffering from persistent
fever or low back pain.
The treatment for low-grade fever PKD:
Once PKD patients suffering from fever, they had better have a check to see
what causes fiebre.Los simply febrifuge drugs and antibiotics fail to drive away
fever root for PKD patients with urinary tract infection. PKD patients who want
to get rid of fever actually need everything possible to reduce cysts and
inhibit the growth of cysts, so that the rate of attack by infection can be
lowered. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best choice for patients with
The active compounds in medicine has the function of promoting blood
circulation in cysts walls to increase the permeability of the walls cysts, so
fluids can flow cysts and blood sanguínea.Además be metabolized with the
movement, the active principles of drugs can also inactivate inhibiting
epithelial fluid secretion cysts cells. With the help of medicine, cysts can be
reduced and controlled.
No cysts and rupture growth, the rate of infection and fever can bajar.Si To
learn more about low-grade fever in PKD, please contact with our online doctors,
leave us messages or email to, we will reply within
24 hours.