
Is foot edema associated with high blood pressure in renal failure

Some patients complain about suffering from edema of the foot, which simply do not know how this happens? Is there any treatment to relieve swelling in the foot? If you happen to someone with edema of the foot, you are welcomed to send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

Hypertension is a common condition in which the force of blood against your artery is well enough high hat can eventually cause health problems such as edema in the legs, arms, feet, and blood diseases corazón.La the body fight the walls of the arteries around the kidneys, leading to body tissues begin to scarring and espesar.Esto carried kidney cells unable to function well, leaking of proteins, some materials can collect the water in the blood, water in orina.Y in the body begins to leak into the body tissues due to gravity, paw edema occurs.

And then, what can be done to relieve paw edema high blood pressure, to some extent, have a good control of blood pressure can help patients relieve edema pie.Los patients may be prescribed some medications to control blood pressure, blood pressure can be controlled quickly, however, relapse easily.

Dialysis, dialysis may also relieve some of the symptoms by filtering the blood, dialysis may rids waste products and extra fluid, maintain the level of electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure.

Apart from some medications and dialysis, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a number of natural treatments that can help patients relieve some symptoms fundamentalmente.Los natural treatments are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicinal bath, foot bath Therapy napkin caliente.Terapia Thesis used externally and core subjects in these therapies is refined powder, which are packed into two bags medicinal Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and produce in the medicated water foot bath and medicated Bath.En compared with Chinese medicine oral, external application has faster to achieve the function effects.

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