
It is bad that FSGS patients have a lot of bubbles in urine

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) causes scarring of kidney.Cuando affect the kidney filtration system is damaged, a lot of bubbles may appear in the wrong orina.Es?

Bubbles in the urine of FSGS patients

For patients with renal disease, bubbles in urine indicate protein in the urine because damaged kidneys can not keep the protein in the body and blood filtration normalmente.Si protein in the urine is more than 3.5 g / 24 h, presents nephrotic syndrome.

In some cases, FSGS can get spontaneous remission, but in most cases, in renal failure progress gradually end stage if not controlled with eficacia.FSGS forecast changes from person to person, while only one proteinuria factors affecting prognosis of patients and may worsen the disease condition and easily renal disease patients.

How to manage bubbles in the urine of FSGS patients?

From the above analysis, we know of bubbles in the urine is a bad sign of kidney disease FSGS.Para prevent further kidney damage and improve the prognosis of patients, these patients should monitor their timely proteinuria.

1. Take medications to reduce protein loss:

If proteinuria is associated with high blood pressure, can make converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers to prevent protein treating FSGS is escape.Para, patients may also use steroid that has an obvious effect on relaxation of proteinuria.

2.Use therapies to repair the kidney filtration system:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an effective therapy that can increase blood flow to the kidneys and provide enough blood and oxygen to the inherentes.Entonces renal cell renal scarring gradualmente.Cuando can relieve the kidneys can filter blood Normally, the protein can be maintained in the body.

3.proper diet: 

Diet also plays a role in the management of proteinuria in patients FSGS.Los these doctors ask patients to reduce the amount of salt and protein. As detailed diet plan, you can ask the help of doctors in China Kidney service.

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