
How to Improve IgA nephropathy

IgA nephropathy refers to an autoimmune disorder and is characterized mainly by immune complexes deposited in the area mesangial.For IgA nephropathy patients, the prognosis varies from case to cases.The development of IgA nephropathy is influenced by many factors. And before presenting methods to improve the prognosis of IgA nephropathy, we have a basic understanding of their risk factors.

1. Risk factors

Age: In most cases, the major general have a poor prognosis.

Unhealthy diet or bad habits of life: like drinking, smoking, unhealthy food and rest and work.

A number of symptoms such as hematuria, proteinuria, hypertension, etc.

Treatment: such as the condition of symptoms and complications control.

2. How to improve your prognosis?

Well control symptoms

From the hematuria, high blood pressure and other symptoms can lead to poor pronóstico.Por Therefore, to obtain a better prognosis, patients can take some medication to control these symptoms.

Healthy Lifestyle

A proper diet can help control your progression with eficacia.En most cases, low salt, low protein, low fat, low potassium, low phosphorus recommended, but patients can eat some vegetables and fruit correctamente.Sin But as the condition of the disease varies, the diet should be changed.

Timely and effective treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the traditional Chinese treatment in our hospital representative, medicine applied externally in the regions renales.Cuando the active ingredients of drugs are impregnated into the body, the medication can work on spending the blood vessels, anti- inflammation, anti-freeze and degrading extracellular matrix, so that renal damage may be blocked and also renal function may be promoted with the smooth flow of blood and pure.

If you happen to be a person with IgA nephropathy to find a good prognosis, please contact our online doctors, leave us messages or email to kidneycares@hotmail.com learn more about managing IgA nephropathy, we will reply within 24 hours.

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