Usually PKD often accompanied with high blood pressure. Because hypertension,
patients with PKD suffer symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting,
etc., even more serious, high blood pressure can build process renal.Entonces
fibrosis, how and why high blood pressure appear in people with PKD? What can
patients do to refer PKD symptoms.
What is polycystic kidney disease?
PKD is short of polycystic kidney disease, which means that there are many
small and large SAC cyst fluid spreading in riñones.Con enlargement of cysts,
patients may experience symptoms such as high blood pressure, back pain, blood
pressure and so on. More seriously, these cysts can grow large enough to cause
chronic renal failure in the long run.
Why and how PKD cause high blood pressure?
High blood pressure caused by the ERP is because clusters of cysts that
oppress the normal renal tissues, resulting in ischemia anoxia- renal.Y renal
hypoperfusion would rise to increased renin-angiotensin, which represents the
contraction of blood vessels, leading to hypertension.
How to treat PKD with high blood pressure?
In the opinion of treatments for polycystic kidney disease, many current
treatments such as ACE inhibitors, blockers Angiotensin II, these drugs are
still the most recommended for the treatment of hypertension in patients with
kidney disease drug poliquística.Sin But these drugs may aggravate the disease
condition and raise serum creatinine.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can do the job well. The active
ingredients of drugs has functions of spending blood vessels, promoting blood
circulation and removing blood clots, so that high blood pressure can
bajar.Además, permeability cyst walls can be increased by which cyst fluids can
flow back into the blood and metabolized with blood circulation, reducing
quistes.Además, the active drug can inactivate cysts epithelial cell walls
inhibiting fluid secretion cysts, so that cysts can be controlled
With the cysts damage, high blood pressure can also be remitido.Ahora, if you
want to know more information about our treatment for ERP, please contact with
our online doctors, leave us messages or email to,
we will reply within 24 hours.