
How to relieve anemia in polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Anemia is common and earliest symptom of polycystic kidney disease, anemia patients may experience symptoms such as weakness, fatigue and pale face etc.Si left untreated, progression to accelerated failure thus renal.Por It is necessary to treat anemia in advance. So what do PKD patients to relieve complications.

Possible causes of anemia in polycystic kidney disease:

1.loss of kidney function: In normal cases, healthy kidneys can help produce erythropoietin (EPO), which is a necessary component of red cells sangre.Sin however, for patients with PKD, cysts take space renal tissues, influencing the normal functions of the kidneys. Damaged kidneys do not support enough EPO, at this time, patients may suffer anemia.

2.Toxins retention in the blood: renal function to excrete low, many waste products remained in the blood, which is toxic to the human body. Life of red blood cells is shortened by these toxins.

Except for the two previous cases, long-term bleeding and malnutrition may also lead to renal anemia.

How to treat anemia in the PKD?

According to the causes, treatment of the root of PKD is reversing anemia in kidney function and the key is reducing cysts and inhibit the growth of cysts.
The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, technology focuses on all sizes of cysts, which works to promote blood circulation to increase the permeability of cyst walls and inactivate the cells of the lesion cysts walls to inhibit cyst fluid secretion, so that renal cysts can be controlled and cramped with important eficacia.Más Moreover, by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, providing active substances to the damaged kidneys can help restore kidney function.

With improved renal function, anemia will be largely eliminated and patients can feel much better than antes.Si like to meet our treatment of polycystic kidney disease, please email us: kidneycares@hotmail.com, let messages or communicate with our doctors online and we will reply as soon as possible.

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