
Can PKD Patient Have the Opportunity to Be cured

Dear doctor, my name is Tony and my daughter has PKD, I can not accept it! Does it Affect her future life? Shall she had a chance to cure it?

Dear Tony

Jessica is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital China.Desde its declared know your daughter suffers from cysts renal.Por Please not disappoint on the condition of his daughter. You know, there are always some ways out of time difícil. To be frank, PKD is not easy to cure but can be controlled well, so your child can also have the chance to enjoy a quality life.

You know, the old age, renal cyst becomes larger, then press the kidney tissues and damage the function renal.En that time, patients will have symptoms like foam in urine, hematuria, dizziness, swelling, back pain, fatigue, etc. With renal cysts become large enough, patients secrete cyst fluid, which is very easy to get a kidney infection. The end result of renal cyst is renal failure.

However, the characteristic treatments can help patients live better. They are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and stem cell treatment.This natural treatment is without any side effects.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is abstracted from Chinese herbs, without any side effects. This treatment is not surgery, do not take oral medicine, it is the method of external application according to Chinese acupuncture point.

Stem cells are the original cells of the human body, have a strong ability of self-replication, which can differentiate into several cell types that need body, thus rebuilding the new environment of the human body.

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