
Bad Appetite And Swollen Feet In Kidney Disease Patients

As we all know, as the kidney disease developed, many symptoms will appeared one by one, both bad appetite and swollen feet are the common ones. Why kidney disease patients have bad appetite and swollen feet?

Why kidney disease patient for bad appetite?

You know, most of the kidney disease patient will got high creatinine level, then their kidney function will be damaged more than 50%, so the kidneys can not work effectively and more toxins and wastes will build up in the blood. In general, we can say that high creatinine level means high toxin in his blood. The toxins will not only destroy the kidney cells but also is bad for his stomach.So kidney disease patient will get bad appetite.

Why kidney disease patient will get swollen feet?

In general, kidney disease patient will has large protein urine leakage. As the protein get lost, the pressure will reduce, and the water will deviate from the blood but enter the space between the tissue, causing the swelling.

How to relieve those symptoms caused by kidney disease?

As we all know, without good control those symptoms will cause more damage to the kidneys. So as a kidney disease patient you should take actions earlier to prevent the disease goes worse.

First, you should make a fit diet according to your own condition. Then, you should find some treatments which can help you clean the deposit in your kidneys and control the protein in urine and repair the damaged kidney cells.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine, it can help kidney disease patient prevent their disease from worsening. If the patient is lucky enough, they may get a chance to enjoy a high quality life without taking dialysis or renal transplant.

If you want to know more information about this treatment or need any help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will try our best to help you.

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