
Is It Reversible Of Kidney Failure With 38% Kidney Function

Is it reversible of kidney failure with 38% kidney function? In fact, with timely and properly treatment, the lower kidney function can be improved to some degree, but no one can tell you whether it can be reversed totally, that is because many factors will affect the curative effect.

What does 38% kidney function means for kidney failure patient?

Kidney function 38% means there are just left 38% kidneys can work efficiently and the disease now is in stage 3 but near to stage 4 (lower than 30%). This stage is a very important stage, if people can get timely and properly treatment in this stage, they may get a chance to reverse their disease. But if they miss this chance, those symptoms occurred in this stage will speed up the progression of it and make further damage to the kidneys.

How to improve the kidney function?

You know that the lower kidney function is due to kidney disorder, so if you want to improve it, you need to correct the kidney disorder, that means you need to repair the damaged kidneys and repair the damaged ones.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, it can repair the damaged kidneys and protecting the remaining ones from damage. With the help of this therapy, kidney failure patient with 38% kidney function may get a chance to reverse their disease.

If you want to know more details or need any help in treating kidney failure, you can send email to us, we will try our best to help you. Our email: kidneycares@hotmail.com

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