
Can Lupus Nephritis Be Cured

Can Lupus nephritis be cured? Lupus nephritis is due to intrinsic renal cell damage caused by lupus cells invade the human body, the general may have manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. The traditional way to treat lupus nephritis is a hormone and immune agents, which to some extent, can temporarily relieve symptoms, can not be repaired for the damaged kidney tissue and kidney function, a palliative.

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Lupus nephritis can be cured? This problem can not be generalized, as long as patients with specialists and medical treatment, can generally be clinical cure, some patients will rarely doctor's advice, did not cooperate with treatment in life, causing very serious consequences, will lead to lupus nephritis uremia , potentially increasing the difficulty of treatment.

To cure lupus nephritis, need integrative medicine, the use of Western medicine cure disease, complementary medicine shortcomings of slow effect, reducing the efficacy of Chinese medicine kidney tissue due to slow and caused damage. And by Micro-Chinese Medicine Once reach lesion on inflammatory factor inactivation, it has been formed on the outside of the extracellular matrix degradation and repair the damaged kidney cells and other effects blocking renal fibrosis process.

Chinese expansion levels of the active substance systemic blood vessels, by increasing the effective systemic perfusion, as damaged blood cells, oxygen, and fundamentally ease renal ischemia, hypoxia, reducing kidney function cells continue to damage.

In addition to active lupus nephritis treatment will affect a cure, the usual personal care is also very important. Patients maintain a good attitude, we must establish the confidence to overcome the disease, positive and optimistic attitude, there is conducive to disease recovery, believe in miracles occur in every patient, but also firmly believe that our medical standards, always conquer lupus nephritis It will not be repeated.

What are diet principles for patients with lupus nephritis? 20% of patients with lupus nephritis in 10 years will develop to uremia, because lupus nephritis recurrence rate is very high, which has a close relation with the regular treatment, at the same time, with a reasonable diet.

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