
Can Steroid Help IgA Nephropathy With 45% Kidney Function Out

Can steroid help me out? I am a IgA nephropathy patient and now the doctor told me my kidney function is just left 45%. But except steroid he giving me nothing special treatment, i want to know can steroid get me out of this disease ?

Can steroid help IgA nephropathy patients with 45% kidney function out ?

As you know, the prognosis of IgA nephropathy is relatively poor and its symptom at early stage is not obvious. But the illness condition will aggravate rapidly once there are some typical clicincal symptoms like: hypertension and hematuria. So my suggestion is to treat this disease from its cause, that is, to repair the damaged renal cells through systematic and comprehensive treatments. While the steroid you are using now is just to control the symptoms and inflammations inside your body, it can not block the further damage of kidney intrinsic cells nor repair the damaged renal tissues. In one word, your renal function can not be restored with steroid.

So for your condition, steroid is not enough to get you out of this disease. Your kidney function now is lower to 45% so the things you need to do now is to try your best to improve the lower kidney function.

What kind of therapy is helpful for improving the kidney function ?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Medicine it can improving the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the residual ones from further damage. So this kind of therapy is helpful for improving your kidney function.

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine or need any help in treating IgA nephropathy, you can leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our doctor directly, we will try our best to help you.

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