
How to Treat PKD Chinese Medicine

How to treat PKD by Chinese medicine? It is known that PKD is not easy to heal, so patients who are suffering from this disease are really upset.

Why PKD will cause many symptoms?

You know the renal tubule is where the crudo.Una urine is reabsorbed once there cysts, crude urine can not come through the renal tubular smoothly and stopped allí. More important is the epithelial cells secreting the fluid the inner cysts will cause the cysts growing bigger and bigger. Then you will Have high blood pressure or pain in the waist. Besides, proteinuria and occult blood Urine maybe occur. In the end, when cysts damaged, they can cause infection in the body and you will feel pain in the body.

How to treat PKD by Chinese medicine?

In China, the Chinese herbal medicine is used to improve blood circulation and reduce the size of the cysts. Micro-Chinese Medicine is one of the most eficaces.La Chinese medicine was micronized in a thousandth of its original size. With the action of microwaves, the drug will penetrate renal lesions directly through the skin and canales.Micro-Chinese Medicine can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation in the walls of cysts, and enhance the permeability of cysts cysts.Será shrink and stop the proliferation of epithelial cells, so the cyst fluid secretion be reduced. Gradually internal pressure was reduced cyst, the cyst size gradually become smaller , relieving the compression of tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progression of fibrosis renal.Además, cysts are not easy to come back after the disappearance, and symptoms disappear completely. Renal function will also be better.

If you want to have other questions or need any help in the treatment of PKD, you can leave a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will try our best to help.

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