
Loss of appetite And Fever: Are They Signs of Nephrotic Syndrome

Loss of appetite And Fever: are they signs of Nephrotic Syndrome? For patients with nephrotic syndrome, it's mainly the glomerular basement membrane damage as the primary pathology, when glomerular filtration function, it will cause a lot of protein leakage, and immune complex deposition in glomerular basement membrane, resulting in kidney tissue microcirculation, ischemic hypoxia, can lead to the proliferation of glomerular continued, hardening, if not take positive and effective treatment at this time, continue to increase the glomerular injury It will develop fibrosis, resulting in decreased kidney function in nature.

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As you said conventional Western medicine in treatment at this time, but with immunosuppressive agents, hormones and other long-term indicators will be simple tests for protein, not from the protection and restoration of the remaining kidney pathology unit, restore kidney function, so the disease is always repeatedly, the lack of effective control, for your current situation, our hospital of traditional Chinese medicine penetrate therapy micro penetration blocking renal fibrosis therapy, it is more appropriate, it is directly targeted directly positioned by the kidney area Meridian impaired renal pathology in expansion at all levels of renal artery, renal ischemia and hypoxia improved, reducing the high glomerular filtration, high perfusion, high internal pressure state, to prevent the glomerular hyperplasia, sclerosis to fibrotic tissue to develop this irreversible stage, reversing the process of renal fibrosis, effective protection of the remaining nephrons.

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