
Which Chinese Herbs Can Treat Kidney Failure

Which Chinese herbs can treat kidney failure? Kidney specialist kidney issue special health network to introduce, we want to be able to help patients with kidney disease.

Prescription treatment of renal failure include:

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1, rhubarb: to reduce serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels, improve lipid metabolism, inhibition of renal tubular epithelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, decreased cell metabolism and high glomerular filtration state, and can inhibit renal compensatory hypertrophy, glomerulosclerosis, reducing residual renal high metabolic state, delaying the progression of chronic renal failure, the clinical effect is obvious, more than the current internationally respected angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI).

2, Chuanxiong and leech: to improve the level of 6 keto prostaglandin F1α content, correct prostacyclin / thromboxane A2 imbalance, so Hemorrheology and hypercoagulable state improved, increased renal blood flow, improve creatinine clearance, lower BUN , renal function was restored.

3. Compound: contain these drugs, tricks, not described in detail. Compared with western medicine side effects, and can repair damaged renal unit, gradual recovery of renal function, treatment of renal failure have a good effect.

4. Astragalus: can significantly enhance cellular and humoral immune function, increase the body's resistance to phagocytosis and reticuloendothelial system, increase the rate of protein synthesis, reduce SCr levels and free radicals, and can increase the clearance of free radicals, to improve kidney function.

5, Cordyceps: to reduce BUN and SCr levels and increase the plasma protein content, improve anemia and nutritional status, promote renal tubular epithelial cell repair and regeneration, correct amino acids, proteins and lipid metabolism, regulate cellular immunity, enhance immune power, protection and recovery of renal function, prevention of secondary infection.

6, Salvia: can significantly reduce the content of BUN and SCr increase SCr, BUN clearance and filtration capacity, improve survival, improve renal blood supply, reduce kidney damage.

7, triptolide: with corticosteroids similar, but without the side effects of hormones, estrogen and progestin characteristics totally different roles, cyclosporine and other immunosuppressive effect is the induction of T cells by apoptosis, cell cycle control and inhibition of IL2 is achieved, do not block the T cell receptor (TCR) transmission of information, it is a new class of immunosuppressive drugs.

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital has created a unique and innovative use of traditional Chinese medicine - micro osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, its core technology is an effective prescription treatment of kidney disease were ultrafine grinding, the purpose of the active ingredient in the drug was fully release and mixing. And means effective penetrants and penetration device, by topical way, effective drug penetration through the kidney lesion site, to achieve the purpose of effective treatment of kidney disease. This innovative therapies that eliminate the side effects of oral drugs problem, but also to achieve the purpose of effective drug ingredients into the lesion.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration hope therapy can also you a healthy body. I wish you a speedy recovery.

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