
Uremia Will Be "patronizing" These People

Advance to prevent uremia become the people most worth doing, the most significant event. As long as prevention in place, you can stay away from "uremic" violations. The elderly in the event of unforeseen circumstances, could easily lead to further damage kidney function and the development of uremia. Such as infections, colds, blood loss, water scarcity, nephrotoxic drugs, other diseases, can become elderly uremia incentives.

Uremic prevention in place as long as you can stay away from "uremic" violations. Uremia for the destruction of the kidneys, the high cost of treatment required uremia, dialysis facing fear, people are so unbearable. Therefore, early prevention uremia became the people most worth doing, the most significant event. As long as prevention in place, you can stay away from "uremic" violations.

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Most likely suffering from uremia of the crowd:

1, 15% of hypertensive patients directly into uremia. Statistics of 1998, 10% of patients with hypertension the total population, that is, for every 10 persons is a hypertensive patients, including individuals will become uremic patients 1,5.

2,30% of people with diabetes is the direct outcome of uremia diabetes. Recent statistics show that in our population, the existing 4320 million people with diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance were 5064 people, both of and for the 93.84 million. That is, only because of diabetes alone, about 13 million and 15 million in uremic patients at high risk of uremia.

3, kidney disease is the main cause of uremia, the final outcome of all patients with chronic kidney disease will be uremia. It is the leading cause of chronic nephritis, in the cause of uremia disease, chronic glomerulonephritis accounted for 55,7%.

4, urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection. According to statistics, the incidence of urinary sense for men 0,23%, 2,37% for females. Young and old Jieke disease, especially married women of childbearing age is common in our country, chronic pyelonephritis, uremia is the second factor, accounting for 21,2%.

5, the drug caused different degrees of toxicity. Research shows that about 25% of patients with renal failure of renal toxicity associated with the drug.

6, uremia of HIV infection on the rise. For this reason now accounts for 1 percent of uremia incentives.

More information about "uremia will" patronizing "these people". For, in addition to kidney hospital created a micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, but also fully integrated in the treatment of kidney disease prior art, three-dimensional form of kidney disease treatment system features a set of kidney hospital, which includes micro-osmotic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine as the core of resistance off treatment of renal fibrosis + + reconstruction technique to repair renal kidney function units. While there immunosorbent blood purification technology as the core security technologies; into the surface recovery of renal function.

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