
What Does 18% Renal Function Mean for Kidney Failure Patient

At the clinic, renal function 18% means that not just let 18% kidneys are working normally, the disease is already at stage 4 kidney disease and close to stage 5 (kidney function below 15%). For the patient demand for action at this time to prevent the disease is worse.

How to prevent renal function decreases?

The lower renal function is caused by damaged kidneys, so long as we can repair the damaged kidneys, can protect kidney function decline.

Chinese medicine has significant effect in the treatment of kidney disease, which can solve the problem of kidney raíz.Los his most famous are the Top Seven treatment, cooperated with others who can repair the damaged kidney tissues and protect the residual of a further damage and improve kidney function.

Seven top treatment are hot Compress Therapy, Circle Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, bathroom Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Enema Therapy Therapy and moxibustión.Cada one has its own function, during medical treatment shall be responsible for different therapies as necesario.Si you want to know what kind of therapies are best for you, you can send your details to us by email, after analyzed will reply as soon as possible. All the information we provide is free, so do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have other questions or need any help in the treatment of kidney failure, you can send email or leave message to kidneycares@hotmail.com, we will do everything possible to help.

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