
When Do CKD Patients Start Dialysis

"Hello, doctor. My husband is on dialysis nine hours and feeling very weak at the moment and want alternative treatment. He is 71 years old. Your blood pressure is 135."

Dialysis therapy is an important method of CKD emergency rescue when applied clinical treatment uremia.Pero dialysis treatment is not so simple, otherwise, it will lead to complete failure of the renal function. Dialysis is divided into two peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis and dialysis talking about two types of dialysis are no absolute contraindications, the patient's condition from clinical general economic conditions and other aspects into account and choose how to treat uremia.

When he started dialysis uremia Acute renal failure, uremia little or no urine for more than 24-48 hours, and the following conditions can be carried out dialysis treatment?

1.The patients have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, lethargy, mild irritability, pulmonary edema, or consciousness obviously.

Blood urea 2.Nitrogen 21.4mmol / L or increasing 9 mmol / L each day.
3.Serum creatinine 442μmmol / L.

We take the hospital uses Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy patients on dialysis, which based on traditional medicine china.Su objective is to improve the impact and relevance, that almost has little side effect. It is good for patients with PKD.

If you have any questions please email to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will give you professional guidance as soon as possible.

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