
Can Nephritis Cause Night Sweats

Nephritis can cause sweating.

1. prodromal symptoms in the majority of patients a month before the onset of pioneer history of infections, such as tonsillitis, sudden onset, high fever, but it can slow onset recessive.

2. The onset and more oliguria begin, or gradually oliguria or no urine. Can be accompanied by gross hematuria, duration varies, but persistent microscopic hematuria, urine in patients with acute glomerulonephritis basically the same.

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3. edema about half of the patients at the beginning of oliguria edema in the face and lower extremities as the most important. Once difficult to subside edema.

4. onset hypertension in some patients with hypertension, but also after the onset of hypertension in the process, once the blood pressure, it was persistent, easy to fall on their own.

5. Renal damage was sustained emphasis is characteristic of the disease. Glomerular filtration rate was significantly lower and tubular dysfunction exist.
What complications can cause acute nephritis? Acute nephritis is a common disease, with acute nephritis if not timely and effective treatment, prone to complications, which would endanger the patient's life. Here we give introduced

 What are the complications of acute nephritis.

1. First of complications of acute nephritis have heart failure. Heart failure occurs mainly after the onset of acute nephritis 1 to 2 weeks, clinical manifestations of shortness of breath, heart rate, heart community to expand, gallop

Law, bottom lungs moist rales, pulmonary edema, liver enlargement and tenderness progressive, and positive signs of liver jugular venous return and so on. It occurs in the elderly and original history of heart disease.

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