
Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients With Edema Eat Moon Cake

First, the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome, kidney hospital experts pointed out that eating moon cake you want, depending on their physical condition, there is for the option to taste the main, should eat, otherwise it will endanger the health and cause disease onset.

Currently on the market vary moon cake quality, diverse tastes, we focus on food quality in the purchase, we must also pay attention to the taste of choice. What nephrotic syndrome eat moon cake? In general, different patients to choose a different taste, different trap made moon cake, so to the role of nutrition and health.

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Fruits and vegetables we eat moon cake is one of a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables which is the main ingredient making sandwiches, sandwiches slippery soft, cake Pison crisp, different flavor. After the launch of the popular, and now more and more varieties, from cantaloupe, mango, strawberry, pineapple, apple, to lychee, melon, coconut, dates, roses, soybeans, peas and so forth. But experts suggest that patients with nephrotic syndrome do not advocate eating too much fruit trap moon cake, especially sicker patients. For patients with renal insufficiency, the limited capacity of row potassium, and some fruit potassium quite good, eat more potassium will rise, if the pre-existing hyperkalemia, then this time and then eat the food on the high potassium content more dangerous.

 Renal failure patients have hyperkalemia, potassium must quit the fruit and other high potassium foods made moon cake, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, cabbage, mustard, beans, peanuts and walnuts trap moon cake. Again, although melon nutritious, but it is chronic renal failure patients fasting; another because of its rich pineapple bromelain, can dissolve fibrin and casein, nephrotic syndrome patients should not eat. In addition, due to large amounts of protein foods may increase the excretion of protein, plus loss of kidney function, it is best to be fasting. However, in patients with normal renal function may be appropriate to eat soy, but not too much benefit.

What nephrotic syndrome edema eat meat for all types of moon cake moon cake, kidney hospital experts, chicken is rich in protein, more food will increase and aggravate azotemia uremia, unfit for human consumption;? The traditional view is that the crab big hair thing, so whatever acute and chronic nephrotic syndrome patients should be fasting. In addition, various types of fish for the moon cake also should eat less, so as not to induce or aggravate the condition.

In addition to the traditional moon cake of some of the options described above, with the improvement of people's living standards, health moon cake also began to catch on, ginseng moon cake, moon cake calcium, medicated moon cake, moon cake and other iodine competing debut. What nephrotic syndrome eat moon cake? For these two moon cake, the majority of patients with nephrotic syndrome should be cautious in selecting, increase fresh feeling in taste, we must also conducive to the rehabilitation of their own bodies and the absorption of nutrients. Last kidney hospital medical staff wish you have a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

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