
What Are the treatments For Kidney Failure

Kidney transplant is through surgery, organ donor kidney transplant patient's body to accept the transplant process. Possible sources of kidneys: family, spouse, close friend or alive sign of brain death and organ donation consent of person. Of course, the best match is usually from a kidney transplant recipient's brothers and sisters, because of the possibility of their genes with the largest.
Kidney transplant is the best way to treat kidney failure, because transplanted into the patient's kidney failure has been almost completely replaced the function of the kidneys, the patient had a normal life.

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Unfortunately, not every renal failure patients have the opportunity to receive a kidney transplant. This is because there may be no suitable relatives willing to donate kidneys or kidney, or because the number again after brain death organ donors is far below the number of demanders. Patients have to wait until a suitable kidney for transplantation requires a long period of time because the donor kidneys must be matched to the patient's body. At this time, the patient must be regular dialysis treatment to sustain life until you can get a new kidney through a transplant.

Dialysis is through the filter, selectively exclude certain substances in the blood. That is, by the way artificial kidney failure patients in vivo accumulation of toxic waste, water and salt excluded, so that the physical condition of the patient to return to a healthy state.

Dialysis form currently used in two ways: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is using a special machine to replace kidney function. Peritoneal dialysis is peritoneal body acts as a filter, rid the body of toxins.

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