
Chronic Kidney Disease Can Lead to Increased Mortality in Patients with Anemia

At present, China chronic kidney disease patients was 10.8% of the adult population, the number of patients to 120 million, of which 1-2 million patients with end-stage renal disease, the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation. Chronic kidney disease is the most common complications of anemia, with renal dysfunction, the incidence of anemia gradually increased, the degree of anemia will gradually increase. Where 98.2 percent of dialysis patients with anemia, 52.1% non-dialysis patients with anemia.

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Not only causes renal anemia, fatigue, physical decline, palpitation and other symptoms lead to a serious decline in quality of life, but also to accelerate the progress of kidney disease, a significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular events. With the development of blood purification technology, many patients with ESRD did not die of kidney failure itself, but died of cardiovascular complications. Therefore, renal anemia is chronic kidney disease is an important reason for the high mortality rate.

But more frightening is that diabetes is about 20-40% in 8 - obviously kidney damage appeared 12 years later, these patients not only faster kidney dysfunction, anemia occurs earlier and more serious, which combined cardiovascular disease is more serious, higher mortality, drug treatment to correct anemia response is also poor.

Kidney disease expert Professor Chen Nan pointed out that the degree of importance for the diagnosis and treatment of renal anemia is not enough, treatment status is worrying. First, pre-dialysis patients with renal anemia treatment rate, multi-center CKD non-dialysis patients with anemia status survey in Shanghai found that a lower stage 1-5 CKD non-dialysis patients with anemia awareness, and treatment rate is anemic patients only one-third. National data show that nearly half of China's new-onset of dialysis patients who had not received prior to dialysis treatment to correct anemia in dialysis patients with anemia in rural Midwest is more serious. The other half of patients have been treated there are low standards and poor compliance issues.

In addition, patients with renal anemia treatment exists the problem of low compliance inadequate dialysis. The treatment of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease not achieve the desired effect, it can accelerate the progression of chronic kidney disease to end-stage renal disease, increased risk of dialysis, cardiovascular risk and mortality. Management on the treatment of anemia of chronic kidney disease, the focus is to regulate renal anemia treatment processes.

Currently on the market common renal anemia drug must be administered intravenously or subcutaneously, refrigerated transport and storage required, reducing treatment compliance. Professor Lin Shantan revealed that currently used for renal anemia oral drugs are being developed in both domestic and foreign synchronization. Early development of this drug in the United States completed late-stage clinical research and production in our country, China is expected to become the first listed countries.

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