
How to Choose the Right Treatment For Renal Failure

With the current growing number of kidney failure, renal failure treatment methods are emerging, in the face of so many methods of treatment, this should bring more choice to the patient while the patient but also to bring confusion. Why is this?

Confused one: why the same hospital, the same treatment, she was able to recover, I will not be able to do?

Second confusion: a method of treating renal failure there is so much, how can I do in the end choose which one method is suitable for the treatment of renal failure do?

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See this phenomenon, I think we have been able to understand "why the treatment method of kidney failure are numerous, but the patient is worried." The response to this phenomenon, with many years of clinical kidney specialist, summarize a method of treatment of kidney disease the following points, in the hope of being confused and confusing help.

The principle of treating renal failure: "specimen" Virtue: "Standard" means indicators, "this" refers to the fundamental. Thereby changing the treatment of "targets", it should also be treated for kidney damage. Only these two together can make the condition to being really recovered.

Suitable treatment: because the current method of treatment of kidney failure are many, medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, treatment equipment, surgical therapy and so numerous, but we know the cause of each kidney disease, kidney disease and other species are different, so treatment the need to be treated for your own condition.

A scientific method of treatment: Micro-Chinese Medicine and Western medicine

We all know that in the treatment of disease, Western medicine mainly "symptomatic" of drug use, while the Chinese have a "cure" effect, so that only a combination of both in order to achieve the above described "solve the problem." However, due to oral medicine in the treatment, there is a big drawbacks: "medicine numerous disease" that is the role of traditional Chinese medicine by the stomach to reach the kidneys is small, simply can not play the role of a permanent cure. The experts after years of clinical practice developed "Micro-Chinese Medicine" lessons reinforce the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, to avoid the lack of oral medication.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is a "disease outside the government," the drugs, it can direct the kidneys through the renal area, for all types of kidney disease, uremia lesions, a "block + repair + Rebuild" targeting positioning therapy. It bears the damaged kidney tissue repair and remodeling, with targeted, specific treatment, completely remove the diseased tissue, a new approach in the treatment of kidney disease, an original.

Scientific treatment II: Transplantation + Micro-Chinese Medicine

Transplantation is a full play to the characteristics and functions of transplantation for the treatment of disease. It has two main features:
First multi-generational self-renewal, namely: unlimited division;
Second, unlimited multi differentiation capacity, that is: when the body appeared lesions induced in the relevant information can be converted to the desired lesions intrinsic cells to replace damaged cells play a role.

People in the experimental and clinical treatment technology are found in two roles: Fix + reconstruction. This action coincided with two major functions of Micro-Chinese Medicine role: the role of blocking + repair + reconstruction role in the last two coincide. Practice has proved that, "Transplant + Micro-Chinese Medicine," the two complement each other, played a role in winning combination. Clinical practice indicates that transplantation technology into the field of kidney disease treatment, so treatment of kidney disease have a new imagination.
 The combination of this treatment, will allow the treatment of kidney disease has entered a new era.

Scientific treatment three: immunosorbent assay technique + Micro-Chinese Medicine

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy and transplantation have "fix + reconstruction" therapeutic functions, but the repair and reconstruction process must be the need for a clean and relaxed environment in vivo. This requires the establishment of a system to ensure that the body of cleaner technologies. The immunosorbent assay technique and micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapies to match, not only can effectively remove large, medium and small molecule blood of toxins, but also remove endogenous pathogenic factors of the patient, and a variety of immune complexes, as micronized Chinese medicine treatment to create a clean and relaxed environment restorative treatment.

For this reason, today's most advanced technology into micro hemoadsorption penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy system constructed Micro-Chinese Medicine + immunoadsorption system, and this system is mainly for some systemic autoimmune kidney disease, such as: lupus nephritis, purpura nephritis.
Scientific treatment four: Dialysis + Micro-Chinese Medicine

Dialysis layman's terms, is replaced by a dialysis machine kidneys excrete metabolic waste and toxins. Hemodialysis can quickly improve patient physical symptoms, but only temporarily replace kidney dialysis after exercise functions rely solely on long-term dialysis will lead to increased difficulty and expense of treatment, it can also cause systemic organ damage apparently, and some of Irreducible hazards. But when kidney disease progression to late but also inevitable to embark on the road of dialysis, and therefore in the treatment of patients need a "fix kidney medication." The Micro-Chinese Medicine nephropathy late, can block the further development of the kidneys, damaged cells to repair part to achieve a normal life in patients with advanced kidney disease.

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