
What Diet Should IgA Nephropathy Pay Attention To

What is the diet for iga nephropathy? Many patients because of the staple food and animal protein too limited, patients are often malnourished, the body is also a disadvantage, so that treatment iga nephropathy, in the diet as long as reasonable and appropriate it. So, iga nephropathy diet pay attention to what? We come to understand the next bar.

iga nephropathy diet attention to what is mainly the following points?

IgA nephropathy patients

[1] should be less salt ------ That's right, to alleviate the burden on the kidneys, salt to eat a little bit like, a day, not more than 1 gram. So no salt is a very difficult thing, patients' daily life, can find a solution, for example, not the vegetables in salt, can dip to eat, it will feel a little a little taste. In addition, if there is no next point, then you can taste sweets. But does not mean no salt salt restriction, unless required to strictly limit the degree of swelling even salt water restrictions, the general should take low-salt diet. Thus chronic nephritis patients on salt intake, as the case may be, by a doctor, excessive fear of the salt is not necessary.

[2] iga nephropathy potassium diet eat food ------ bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate; patients with low potassium exactly the opposite. High blood uric acid, especially in patients with IgA nephropathy should not eat animal offal, Yuxia mussels, beer, mushrooms, beans, spinach.

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[3] IgA chronic renal failure patients daily diet should emphasize low-volume high-protein diet ------ Some patients believe that non-vegetarian protein, and thus long-term vegetarian. In fact it is a misunderstanding of food protein. Food protein from both plant and animal proteins, although many plant protein content lower animal protein, but the protein content of daily staple food such as rice, flour 8% -9%, beans and soy protein content up more than 20%, due to less vegetable protein containing essential amino acids, and high in potassium, which is not suitable for patients with chronic renal failure. The animal protein containing essential amino acids greater than 50%, thus chronic renal failure patients should moderate consumption of essential amino acids with high animal protein. We should not use high protein containing plant beans and soy products.

[4] IgA nephropathy patients should not drink soup bones weak constitutions ------ chronic nephritis IgA patients, the patient's digestive tract function affected and hyperparathyroidism, reducing the absorption of calcium in the intestines, nephritis patients often the performance of low calcium. Meanwhile, the phosphorus discharge reduction, and endocrine disorders, patients with high phosphorus thus state. Bone soup contains more phosphorus, drink soup bones intake of large amounts of phosphorus, resulting in the accumulation of phosphorus in the body, increased hyperphosphatemia. Therefore, drink soup bones, calcium deficiency can not only improve, and because phosphorus increased aggravate renal damage.

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