
Is Prednisone Treatment Effective For Treating Lupus Nephritis

Can Prednisone treat lupus nephritis well? Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis is mainly to eliminate symptoms by immunosuppression, the effect is worth for sure, but the latter part of the majority of patients should be aware of the effect: easy to relapse. Below in detail.

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Prednisone treatment of lupus nephritis mainly through:

1. The anti-inflammatory effect: to reduce and prevent tissue response to inflammation, thereby reducing the performance of inflammation. Hormone suppression of inflammatory cells, including macrophages and leukocytes at sites of inflammation agglomeration, and inhibit phagocytosis, lysosomal enzyme release and synthesis and release of chemical mediators of inflammation.

2. The immunosuppressive effects: to prevent or inhibit the cell-mediated immune response, delayed hypersensitivity reactions, reducing T lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils numbers, reduced ability to bind to cell surface immunoglobulin receptors and inhibit the synthesis and release of interleukin, thereby reducing the T lymphocytes to lymphoblastoid cell transformation, and reduce the primary immune response to expansion. May reduce the immune complexes through basement membrane, and can reduce the concentration of complement components and immunoglobulins.

Many patients taking prednisone treatment has some effect, but the side effect is great, and palliative. Mainly due to the prednisone can suppress the immune response, but not the clearance of immune complexes, can not repair the damaged kidney inherent cells, so often there will be the phenomenon of recurrent disease. It is proposed to consider the side effects of other drugs, this kidney hospital based on the current immunosuppressive drugs and technology, the introduction of foreign latest, more suitable for immunosuppression side effects of a series of low effective drugs and technologies, First to block the immune response, followed by tolerance. Immune complex deposition in the kidneys, a short section may be completely eliminated, allowing the body to strive to meet the pathogenic foreign material deposited on the fact that the kidney tissue, to stop the immune response. Then it is to enter the immune mediation stage, adjust the internal environment of the immune system, enhance human immunity. On the basis of immune regulation, based on the introduction of protective immunity in patients with stage repair podocytes and mesangial cells. The last resort is immune clearance, which should take the appropriate immunosorbent assay based on the actual situation of the patient, plasma exchange and blood purification.

Through the above specification, effective treatment, symptoms can be controlled not only the kidney may be able to repair, treatment of lupus nephritis fundamentally.

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