
Nephrotic syndrome diet

"Nephrotic syndrome diet" Summary: nephrotic syndrome, kidney patients are many issues of concern. Nephrotic syndrome diet: nephrotic syndrome diet ~~ sodium intake: edema should be into the low-salt diet, so as not to aggravate chronic water ...... whether and to what extent the development of nephrotic syndrome can not easily give up, is there is hope of recovery. The following small series of "nephrotic syndrome diet" related overview.

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Nephrotic syndrome diet ~~ sodium intake: edema should be into the low-salt diet, so as not to aggravate edema, generally no more than 2g daily amount of salt is appropriate, disabled preserved foods, use less MSG and Food alkali swelling subsided When the plasma protein close to normal, resume normal diet. ~

~ Nephrotic syndrome diet protein intake: nephrotic syndrome, a large number of plasma proteins from the urine, body protein and lower in protein malnutrition, hypoproteinemia plasma colloid osmotic pressure, causing edema stubborn Nanxiao body resistance also decreased, so in the absence of renal failure, the early, very of high quality should be given a higher protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d), such as fish and meat. This helps to relieve some of the complications of hypoproteinemia and consequent. But high-protein diet can renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate increased glomerular capillary at high pressure, while the intake of protein also increased urinary protein can accelerate glomerular sclerosis. Thus, for chronic, non-polar phase of nephrotic syndrome patients should intake of smaller amounts of high-quality protein (0.7 ~ 1g / kg * d), as for chronic renal damage, it should be a low protein diet (0.65g / kg * d).

Nephrotic syndrome diet ~ ~ fat intake: patients with nephrotic syndrome often have hyperlipidemia, this can cause arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage, hardening, and therefore should be limited to animal offal, fat, some seafood foods rich in cholesterol and fat intake. Trace elements added: Because nephrotic syndrome increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane, in addition to the loss of large amounts of protein in the urine, but also at the same time lost some trace elements and hormones and protein binding, resulting in the body of calcium, magnesium, zinc , iron and other elements deficiency, should be given appropriate supplement. Generally eat vitamin and trace element rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, seafood, etc. to be added.

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