
What Are Etiology of IGA nephropathy

Although there are many kidney diseases and Iga nephropathy is one of them, however, no matter what kind of kidney disease, it will affect our health, but as long as the patient has confidence and the election of the treatment, we will certainly overcome the disease, choose the correct Prior to treatment, we must first understand the etiology IGA nephropathy, below please kidney specialist experts to analyze it.

Experts said the causes kidney Iga nephropathy are the following:

1. the main body of a patient abnormal immune complexes precipitated
Crowd in vivo mesangial area IGA nephropathy lot of immune complexes precipitated material, which has a major immune complexes crowd IGA and IGA nephropathy mesangial cells with high affinity, after a combination of both can lead to kidney inherent Phenotypic cells and cause disease.

2. kidney cells are involved in membrane-based IGA nephropathy in patients with inflammation

Initially IGA nephropathy during inflammation, when the incidence of kidney mesangial cells in patients with inflammatory damage will be stimulated to produce inflammatory cytokines, leading to a large number of immune complex precipitation in the patient's kidneys, eventually causing kidney disease production.

3. expert analysis also has a certain genetic predisposition
IGA nephropathy experts investigate the incidence of kidney disease in populations found that familial aggregation phenomenon part IGA nephropathy patients will occur, which shows that IGA nephropathy have a genetic predisposition to a certain extent.

4. the incidence of infection is also the reason IGA nephropathy
Such as the flu, tonsillitis, fever naked eye or occult blood in urine, recurrent infection factors, the majority of patients with hematuria only exception to the hospital for medical treatment in the body.

These are the kidney expert analysis of the causes for IGA nephropathy, we have to understand it, and finally kidney specialists remind you to seriously treat the disease positive for the early recovery of the body healthy.

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