
Can You Get Rid Of Dialysis Once You Start It

Western believes that if uremic patients starting hemodialysis, in order to get rid of is impossible, but the fact is not the case. Because the primary disease is not the same for each person, resulting in uremia and incentives are not exactly the same reason. If we can take effective measures to remove the incentive for the treatment of primary disease, it is possible to get rid of hemodialysis.

Many patients before dialysis, mostly long-term stable disease, serum creatinine, uremic nitrogen is relatively stable and does not to the extent that non-dialysis renal function part remaining still substantial, but often due to a cold, fever, lung infection , diarrhea, enteritis, urinary tract infection, poorly controlled hypertension, trauma or emotional disputes with others excited, or work fatigue did not pay attention to rest, etc., resulting in the deterioration of the disease occurrence dialysis. For such a case, if they can take "marine life and kidney meridian therapy" to solve the primary disease, lengthen the time a patient dialysis interval, and ultimately get rid of dialysis is entirely possible.

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If you do not seize the opportunity to quickly correct treatment, renal units massive necrosis, and ultimately can not be reversed, it is only dependent on dialysis. Dialysis enormous expense and discomfort became unbearable burden of kidney patients and families.

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