
How Do Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Patients Eat Right

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is related to dietary considerations. What do PKD Patients eat? Eating is people's lives can not be an integral part of, and treatment of polycystic kidney disease approach currently no way to prevent development of the disease, then the relevant polycystic kidney diet Note What does matter, polycystic kidney disease patients can eat what foods, what foods polycystic kidney disease can not eat what?

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1. fruits and vegetables high in vitamin.

2. The iron-rich fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and so on.

3. to accommodate fossils of vegetable foods, such as black fungus, etc.
The diuretic effect of food.

4. The basic food resembles taking therapy can play a supporting role.
Polycystic kidney disease dietary considerations, quit with or reduce the consumption

1. polycystic kidney disease dietary considerations, visceral food: cooked animal offal made polycystic kidney disease patients not suitable for human consumption, especially liver, China sent a message saying, what to eat, make up what is, in fact not the case, in Many animals slaughtered during the toxins left in the liver, kidney, especially the liver, liver function is detoxification, many animals are left metabolic toxins in the gut, if the patients taking these substances increase the burden on the kidneys invisible, worse.

2. high protein food: Every kidney disease, should be low-protein diet and avoid nitrogen metabolites in vivo synthesis, reducing the kidneys excrete force. Such as soy, tofu and other soy products.

3. polycystic kidney disease dietary considerations fermented foods: fermented foods are talking about here is mainly bacteria become fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs category. Avoid eating these will be beneficial cyst growth.

4. alcoholic beverages: alcohol, especially wine, in terms of the polycystic kidney disease patients should quit, alcohol and kidney irritation of important advantages. It can stimulate the activity of polycystin accelerate cyst growth.

5. Coffee, chocolate consumption is strictly prohibited. These are the considerations on the diet for polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease patients should be some common sense understanding of diet on how diet is very important for polycystic kidney disease.

These are the elaboration of polycystic kidney disease dietary considerations, we want to be helpful in patients with polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease patients to establish good eating habits, good eating offal foods, high-protein food, help prevent more cystic kidney occurs.

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