
Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patients

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients usually pay much attention to their diet. Dietary therapy also plays an important role in the treatment of kidney disease. Well then, what diet should kidney disease patients follow?

Limiting proteinic diet

Reducing the content in proteinic foods which can improve azotemia, and reduce the damage of kidney from proteinuria.Meanwhile, it is beneficial to decrease acidosis, when the protein absorbed,it will have phosphorus, other mineral acid absorbed. Generally speaking, the content of protein is 0.6/kg can meet anic physiological needs, so it is appropriate to absorb 30-60g protein for patients.Some foods, such as, fish, lean meat, eggs,milk is ok, but they should eat less foods with vegetable protein ,such as peanuts ,soybean,bean products,etc,as in vegetable protein contains lots of nonessential amino,if the patients eat abundantly, it will aggravate phenomenon of urine protein.

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Absorbing high heat

Absorbing enough carbohydrate can supply the patients with abundant heat, and it can make amino acid of low protein diet sufficient be used. 125.6j/kg heat is enough,by the food contains carbohydrate, such as, rice, wheat,corn.At the same time, sweet potato,potato,apples,lotus root which also contains rich carbohydrate,and they can be regarded as extra food.

High vitamin intake

A normal situation of lacking of vitamin in chronic kidney disease patients which is related to dietary restriction, on the other hand, it is also related to diseases make metabolism abnormal.So the patients should pay attention the foods must contain abundant vitamin,especially,vitamin B and vitamin C, folic acid etc which is contained in vegetables and fruits,such as
tomato,rape,chives,oranges,hawthorn, so on diet,the patients should eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

If you have any question, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly.

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