
The reasons and treatment for Itchy Skin In CKD

Kidney are responsible for discharging toxins in blood,when kidney are damaged,the toxins will accumulate in blood.Some of the toxins will be discharged through sweating, if they deposit on skin, they will stimulate skin, causing itching.

It will be show the symptoms of electrolyte disorder when kidneys damaged, and the high phosphorus level is also a reason of itchy skins. As the high amount of toxins in blood,the fluids under skin will be transferred into blood vascular,which will cause dry skin.It can also lead to itching.

Causes of itchy skin

1.Electrolyte metabolic disorders

Chronic renal kidneys is caused by excluding phosphorus decrease,the level of serium inorganic phosphorus repeating increase, the level of seru calcium decline which can stimulate the secretion of PTH,and it can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism.Researches indicates that secondary hyperparathyroidism can cause cutaneous pruritus whose increase can cause hypercalcemia, calcinosis cuits,and stimulate skin mast cells release histamine,so PTH increase is regarded as an important deadly reasons.

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2.Nitrogen metabolites retention

The stimulation of nitrogen metabolites to skins and it can make sebaceous gland,sweat gland atrophy,make skins appear different levels of drying, desquamation, and at last causes cutaneous pruritus.


Chronic renal failure patients are easy to occur anaphylaxis, duing to heparin,soften the hemodialysis tube pathway plasticizer,heparin,left-sided epoxy can stimulate the patients’ spleen,marrow and mast cells proliferation which lead to histamine concentration increase of blood grops, causing cutaneous pruritus.

Treatment for itchy skin

1. In the course of treating itchy skins, the most important point is that you can not scratch it.If you scratch itchy skin, it will increase stimulation to the skin and aggravate the itchy degree.

2.Limiting time of taking hot water bath.The hot water will stimulate the skin.Taking warm water bath 1-2 times every week will help relieve itchy skins.

3. Do not eat the foods with phosphorus. If you have the symptoms of itchy skins,you had better do not eat the foods with phosphor and stimulating foods, such as, pepper,Sea foods, curry powder and so on.

4.Taking moderate exercise and build up your body. You can take general message to promote the skin microcirculation before putting on clothes in the morning and after taking off clothes in the evening.

5.Doing hot compress therapy is a natural therapy and its purposes is repairing the damaged kidney cells and improving kidney function. By this way,the waste products will be discharged and itchy skin will be alleviated.

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