
What Is The Treatment For Uremia

Uremic patients are now more and more, and because great harm uremia difficult to treat, is a great threat to life, then how to treat uremia? This is a question a lot of uremic patients are most concerned about.

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Many patients the first two can not have any symptoms, but have abnormal urine test. Therefore, any time urine test is very important in patients with chronic kidney disease has been diagnosed should be treated promptly to avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs, try to control blood pressure, blood glucose, or reduce blood lipids, delaying renal failure, uremia and prevent cardiovascular and other complications. For kidney disease patients, in addition to adhere to the correct treatment, diet is also very important. In general, for the whole body was swollen, or have high blood pressure, should be appropriate restrictions on salt, for no obvious edema, normal blood pressure, salt is not necessarily limited.

Existing renal impairment due to the non-dialysis limit protein intake according to the degree of renal dysfunction, the daily protein intake of 0.5-0.8g / Kg body weight, you should try the intake of high-quality protein (fish, lean meat, eggs, etc.), avoid soy, because protein is the main source of waste generated in vivo metabolism, will increase the burden on the kidneys and accelerate the deterioration of renal function is caused by increased blood urea nitrogen, hyperphosphatemia, acidosis, mainly due to hyperkalemia and symptoms of uremia.
Once medical therapy, the glomerular filtration rate dropped to 10% or less should be receiving dialysis treatment, because the more the later complications of dialysis, the patient's prognosis worse, the lower the quality of life and shorter survival time. For patients already on dialysis, advocating high-protein diet, the daily protein intake of 1.2g / Kg body weight, because dialysis partial solution to the problem of metabolic waste excretion, plus dialysis itself will lose some nutrients. Note that residual renal function should try to retain as much as possible to correct anemia, weight between dialysis should not exceed 3Kg

Common uremia treatment methods are:

A kidney transplant

Some late uremia, need long-term dialysis treatment when their economic and physical conditions are suitable, it will choose a kidney transplant.
Kidney transplant is through surgery, organ donor kidney transplant to a patient's body to accept the transplant process. Possible sources of kidneys: family, spouse, close friend or alive sign of brain death and organ donation consent of people. Kidney transplant (kidney transplant) in a short time can bring a better quality of life; but a kidney transplant is a big project, although current medical technology has been very good, a lot remains to be done in advance of the assessment, in order to improve the success of transplant probability.

Two, hemodialysis

Dialysis (dialysis): refers to dialysis by filtration, selectively exclude certain substances in the blood. That is, by manual approach will uremic patients after the body of accumulated toxic waste, water and salt excluded, so that the physical condition of the patient to return to a healthy state.
Dialysis form currently used in two ways: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Hemodialysis is using a special machine to replace kidney function. Peritoneal dialysis is the body's peritoneum acts as a filter, rid the body of toxins.

Third, uremia diet therapy

1. Limit intake of potassium: potassium vivo accumulation can cause muscle weakness, severe cases can cause the heart rate and cause heart failure is not the whole generation.

2. protein restriction: No dialysis, waste because the kidneys can not produce the protein metabolism after discharge, so the situation is more serious uremia, therefore, will be proposed to reduce the intake of protein; but if dialysis when shall Note that when dialysis can cause loss of body protein, it must meet the nutritionist's advice, in order to maintain the desired body.

3. Restrict sodium intake: because salt contains a higher sodium content, in uremia body if too much sodium can cause body water retention, which causes heart and lung failure and aggravating circumstances uremia. But do not use low-sodium, high in volume due to low sodium and potassium ions.

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