
Precautions after renal transplantation

Attention to diet

Kidney transplantation is the most effective ESRD treatment, renal transplant patients because of the low protein diet and taking a long-term dialysis before surgery, there are different degrees of malnutrition. Long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs after transplantation, but also varying degrees of influence metabolism, causing hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, electrolyte disorders, thereby increasing malnutrition in the patient, so reasonable arrangements for the renal diet transplant patients is particularly important, not only to provide a good nutritional needs kidney transplant patients, it will greatly improve the survival rate of patients with renal transplant.

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Renal transplantation with the basic principles of family food conditioning is add the right amount of high quality protein, low fat, low cholesterol, low sugar, low salt, appropriate to add minerals and vitamins.

(1) add the right amount of high quality protein to protein supply after surgery should be considered in patients with renal tolerance according to guarantee both to meet demand without increasing the body has not yet recovered the burden of renal function. Early postoperative renal transplantation increased protein supply can minimize the side effects of hormone-induced reduction in muscle protein consumed daily intake of 1.2 ~ 1.5g / kg body weight. 3 months after surgery due to reduced amounts of hormones, protein intake was adjusted to adult daily intake of 0.6 ~ -1.0g / kg body weight, after dialysis treatment if the transplant still may be appropriate to increase the protein requirement. High-quality protein is mainly animal protein, such as fish, eggs, milk, poultry, lean meat, should reduce edible protein, such as peanuts, soybeans, soy products, will produce a large amine after its metabolism, increasing the burden on the kidneys.

(2) low fat, low cholesterol hyperlipidemia after renal transplantation incidence rate of 60%, caused by hyperlipidemia reason a lot of patients, such as corticosteroids, immunosuppression, renal dysfunction, Dietary factors and so on. So patients diet should be light, mainly vegetable oil, lard, beef tallow and other as little as possible, not more than one egg yolk per day. Pumpkin, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams and other help to lower cholesterol. Recommend eating chicken, fish and the like; cattle, sheep, pork and other "red meat." "White meat" less consumption; avoid greasy, do not eat fried foods, limit high-cholesterol foods, such as organ meats, egg yolks, crab, caviar, trotters, pork skin, chicken and other intake.

(3) Diet after renal transplantation, the use of corticosteroids often causes abnormal glucose metabolism, diabetes can cause insulin resistance, combined with the lack of other nutrients may also increase the degree of renal transplant patients with diabetes, the individual differences are also important factors one, so after renal transplantation carbohydrate intake should not be too high, pay attention to strengthening the monitoring of blood glucose.

(4) add minerals and vitamins can lead to high blood pressure after renal transplantation, hypocalcemia hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia, therefore, should be strictly limited sodium and potassium intake. Although the kidney transplant to correct the parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism, but because after kidney transplantation corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy still heavier bone disease, reduce intestinal calcium conversion, therefore, should be appropriate to oral some of the calcium , but the high calcium intake may increase calcium kidney stone formation, general adult kidney transplant recipients nutrition recommended calcium intake was 800mg / d. Kidney transplant recipients need to increase the intake of food containing phosphorus, phosphorus intake should be based on clinical test results. In fish, bones Tang Zhongfu phosphorus, may be appropriate to add. You should eat a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits to meet the needs of a variety of vitamins. Hanged improve immune function foods such as white fungus, black fungus, mushrooms, turtle, red dates, royal jelly and so on.

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