
How to Help Patients with Kidney Failure Avoid Dialysis

The kidney is a function of the organ, which plays a detoxification, drainage, endocrine and regulate water and electrolyte imbalance and so on, if you are suffering from renal disease, especially in the uremic stage, almost lost kidney detoxification, drainage and other functions, resulting in vivo metabolite did not break out toxins too high, causing damage to various organs, and eventually failure requiring hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation therapy.

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The development of kidney disease is a chronic disease, also known as "gentle killer", difficult to detect early, clinical symptoms are not obvious, most kidney patients after renal damage was found to some extent, especially in the mid-renal injury patients, the best treatment time has been missed, but kidney function is in rapid progress state, if not treated, will soon lead to renal failure, eventually undergoing dialysis or kidney transplantation. So how do you make this part of the kidney patients through active treatment, try to avoid dialysis it, and this is of concern to us all.

The first is the basic treatment, prevention of colds, infections, avoid fatigue, combined with kidney disease reasonable diet, while strictly with the good standard (people change, rest, stool, blood pressure, diet, rest, etc.) to perform these basic things are The fundamental treatment may well eliminate the reversible factors, reducing pathological damage the kidneys, enhance the body's immune function.

Followed by symptomatic treatment, active treatment of complications, such as improving blood pressure, anemia, electrolyte, which can protect the body's balance of kidney patients, and create conditions for the resumption of kidney disease, and actively enhance intestine and sweat detoxification, detoxification body's way 20% mainly through the intestinal tract and sweat detoxification, intestinal detoxification through oral drugs, such as: medicinal charcoal, including aldehyde oxidized starch, open with, Niaoduqing particles, while ensuring good on the 1st stool frequency 2-3 times, partial thin as well, enema and colon dialysis but also enhance intestinal detoxification treatment in two important ways, so that the liquid can be sufficiently in contact with the intestinal tract, more immediacy to remove intestinal toxins, herbal steam bath therapy is a new treatment way, it not only can improve the body's blood circulation, but also can play the role of sweat detoxification, especially for those medium-term kidney disease injuries were more applicable.

Finally, cure kidney treatment, 80% of the body's detoxification way mainly through the kidneys to detoxification, detoxification ability of the kidney itself only increased, the body of toxins before it can be lowered, to avoid hemodialysis. How to make the medium-term damage of kidney disease in patients with active treatment can be avoided by dialysis, which is the majority of patients with kidney disease are looking for.

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