
How Does CKD cause anemia

Anemia refers to erythrocyte in blood is less, and heme is insufficient, which is not a single disease,but it is a clinical symptom of CKD. Anemia have lots of manifestation such as, fatigue, ochrodermia , having a hard breath ,dizzy giddy,headache, tinnitus, having dim eyesight ,inattention,and so on.

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Kidney is a important organ of secreting erythropoietin , but the kidney disease patients is obvious loss,in special, when urea nitrogen>1g/L,the kidney secretes erythropoietin depressedly or interdictorily,in this situation, it can effect the grow, maturity,release in bone morrow. In kidney disease patients’ plasma ,the BUN is increased which form azotemia. The mild anemia or serious anemia is related to order of severity of azotemia and this kind of anemia is called renal anemia. Only a little patients can mergers the decrease of blood platelet, complete blood cells.

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