
The symptoms of polycystic kidney diseases

Polycystic kidney disease is a kind of genetic disease coming from a whole family,if the parents have this disease,their children mostly have the disease.Polycystic kidney disease can lead to numerous cysts grow in the kidney,and in the cysts there are lots of fluid.If abundant of cysts grow or if they get too big,the kidneys will be damaged. When the cysts become more ,they will instead of the kidneys,meanwhile the kidney function will be less, at last they will lead to kidney failure.

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High blood pressure is a typical symptom of PKD,and the patients herhaps have headaches related to high blood pressure .As high blood pressure can lead to kidney damage,it is important to treat it. Treatment of high blood pressure can help slow or even prevent kidney failure.

If PKD is not controlled in time ,it will grow to end-stage renal disease,at the same time the patients will with the phenomenon of proteinuria , in general ,the male is easy to have it.

With the enlargement of cysts, these cysts will oppress the kidney tissues and blood vessels in kidneys, which will cause microcirculation disturbance The kidneys will be in a state of hypoxic-ischemic, which will lead to the damage of capillary endothelial cell of kidneys. So blood in urine will appear. As for those PKD patients with high blood pressure, the small blood vessels around cysts are especially easy to rupture.

Back pain and flank pain. Back pain or flank pain is the most common symptom of ADPKD. Chronic pain is due to stretching of the renal capsule and oppression to surrounding renal tissues and organs. Sudden pain or sharpened pain often indicates cyst rupture, kidney stone or urinary tract obstruction and infections caused by blood clots.

Kidney stones is also a symptom. These occur in about 1 in 5people with PKD.Symptoms of a kidney stone can range from no symptoms at all to severe pain if a stone becomes blocked in a ureter

In addition, kidney enlargement, polycystic liver is also the usual situations.

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