
Is Kidney transplant The Best Treatment For Kidney Failure

1.The definition of kidney transplant

Kidney transplant refers to transplant a healthy kidney to the people with kidney disease,and declined kidney function.The normal people have two kidneys,in normal case, a kidney can support normal metabolism. When two kidneys are damaged, the kidney transplant is necessary, so when chronic renal insufficiency develops into end-stage renal disease, the kidney transplant is ok.Kidney transplant is divided into renal autograft, allograft, Xeno-renal transplantation,according to the source of kidneys.in general,kidney transplant refers to allograft.

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2. Diet for kidney transplant patients

Kidney transplant is the most effective therapeutic method for end-stage renal disease,and the kidney transplant patients show the symptom of different levels of malnutrition,due to the patients adopting low-protein diet,and long-term hemodialysis.After kidney transplant,using immunosuppressor chronically can cause body metabolism disorder in different degree,and it cause such as hypoproteinemia,hyperlipemia,diabetes,hypertension,electrolyte imbalance etc.It can aggravate the patients’ Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,so reasonable diet is important to kidney transplant patients.Reasonable diet not only provides nutritional requirement of high quality, but also it can improve the kidney transplant patients’ survival rate.The normal principle after kidney transplant is that adding moderate high quality protein,low fat, low cholesterol,less sugar,low salt,adding mineral substances and vitamin properly.

3.The announcements of taking medicines

The kidney transplant patients need taking immunosuppressors in rest of their life. And the dosage form and dose need to consult your doctor, meanwhile,you can not adjust the doses casually.After operations, besides taking hormone, immunosuppressor,if the patients want to take other related medicines, such as hypotensive drugs, hepatic protector, they should consult the doctors.

4. The contraindication

Some patients with chronic active hepatitis, coronary heart disease,unstable angina,the patients with active peptic uncer disease and so on are not suitable to have the kidney transplant.

From the above, we can see kidney transplant is not the best treatment for kidney failure. Patients can choose some natural ways such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath and Mai Kang Mixture,etc to treat kidney failure by repairing kidney damage and improving kidney function. The therapeutic effect is much better.

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