
The side-effect of dialysis

When the patients with end –stage renal disease, they have to do dialysis,in order to save their life.Although dialysis can make the patients continue their lifes,there are also side-effect to the patients.

1. Low blood pressure

The common side effect of hemodialysis is low blood pressure,and it can occur when abundant fluid is removed from the blood during hemodialysis.Meanwhile, the low blood pressure will cause nausea,dizziness.In order to avoid excess fluid weight gain ,you should maintain a healthy fluid level by drinking no more than a quart of liquid in excess of what is discharged from the body daily and avoid salty foods which increase thirst

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2. Muscle cramping

The patients suffer from hemodialysis, most of patients have the feeling of muscle cramping.When fluid is taken out of the body at a fast rate during dialysis or too much fluid is removed,the muscles react by cramping.

3. Itchy skin

There are lots of reasons can cause itchy skin,but it is commonly thought that high phosphorous levels are responsible for itchy skin. Phosphorus can not be removed by dialysis,so foods with phosphorus are restricted on diet.Dialysis patients are prone to dry skin,and it is caused by itching.So the patients suggested do not have hot showers and harsh soaps.

4. Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome is a common side effect which can make patients keep moving their legs because of the leg nerves and muscles creating a crawly or prickly sensation.Restless leg syndrome can be tied to some forms of kidney disease,diabetes,hardening of the arteries,or vitamin B deficiency.

The above are some common side effects of dialysis. If you want to learn more information about dialysis, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com or consult our online doctor directly. We will reply you within 24 hours.

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