Lupus nephritis is histologically evident systemic lupus erythematosus,meanwhile it is also with obvious kidney damage. It is related to
formation of immune complex, the dysimmunity of the immune cells and
SLE is an autoimmune disease, which means there is a problem with the body’s
immune system. In normal situations, the immune system helps protect the body
from infection or harmful substances. But patients with an autoimmune disease,
the immune system can not tell the difference between harmful substances and
healthy ones. As a result, the immune system attacks otherwise healthy cells and
tissue. SLE may damage different parts of the kidney,leading to interstitial
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome.It may rapidly worsen to kidney failure.
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The general features includes: intermittent fever,malar rash,discoid
erythema, photosensitization, dental ulcer,arthritis, serositis, neurologic
The symptoms of kidney includes: simple hematuria or proteinuria, hematuria,
proteinuria with swelling, soreness of waist or high blood pressure,nephritis,
abundant proteinuria, hypoproteinemia,swelling, proteinuria with kidney function
decline sharply, renal interstitial lesion, chronic renal failure.
Vomiting: The body with abundant toxins ,as the kidney is unable to remove
the toxins from the body, it can result in abnormal function of the liver and
the process of digestion.
Weight gain:The whole body may bloated and firm,which can affect the legs and
hands more than other parts of the body.The kidney are not able to remove the
extra water which is present in the blood of the person affected.