
How To Lower High Creatinine 4 In PKD

How to reduce creatinine level 4 in PKD? High creatinine level occurs until at least half of kidney function has been damaged due to powerful compensatory capacity of kidneys. Well, how to lower high creatinine level in PKD?

High creatinine 4 in PKD

In right condition,the normal creatinine is 0.6 to 1.2mg/dL and in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL in adult females.Creatinine 4 is far higher than the normal level.It means that your kidneys have been impaired significantly.In some hospitals,when creatinine increases to 5,Dialysis will be prescribed.

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For PKD,the main reason of kidney function decline is cyst enlargement. As the cysts become bigger and bigger,the stress to surrounding kidney tissues will also elevate,thus resulting in damage to kidney gradually.As the diseased kidneys fail to remove wastes from body, it will lead to high creatinine.Creatinine 4 is mostly in stage 4 and near to stage 5CKD. Stage 4 is the time for preparing for dialysis and stage 5 requires dialysis.

How to reduce creatinine 4 in PKD?

To lower creatinine 4 in PKD,the main treatment goal is to restore the impaired kidney structure and improve renal function.

Firstly,it is to shrink the large cysts and reduce strain on kidneys.Once the pressure on kidneys decreases,it will stop further damage to kidney tissues.
Secondly,to lower high creatinine, the patients should take treatment to restore the impaired kidney structure.If the kidneys can work better to remove wastes from body, high creatinine will become lower.

However,there is no such a solution in western medicine for PKD with reduced renal function.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment for PKD.It can help the body retrieve the self-healing ability to stimulate the self-regeneration, thus lowering high creatinine levels.

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