
What Is The Life Expectancy with 15% Kidney Function Without Dialysis

What is the life span with 15 % kidney function without dialysis? This is a frequently asked question. Here we will talk about this question.

There is no an accurate estimation of the life span for a person with 15% renal function. This is because it is affected by a variety of factors. Some patients may live as long as the general population. However, some patients may experience acute kidney failure and sudden death if there is an accelerating factor.

What factors can shorten the life span of persons with 15% renal function?

Complications can affect the life span significantly. In advanced stage of kidney disease, multiple body organs and systems will be involved like heart, lung, brain, blood system and so forth. These conditions are significant death cause for the patients.

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Treatments play a decisive role in affecting the life span of persons with 15% renal function. Without dialysis, high levels of fluid and waste products will build up in body. If no other treatment intervention, some patients may die in several weeks and even days.

To prolong the life span of people with 15% renal function without dialysis, the patients should have a treatment to restore the impaired kidney structure and enhance renal function. If the native kidneys can function more efficiently, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.

The combination of Blood Purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended to people with 15% renal function.

Blood purification can purify blood thoroughly by eliminating all kinds of waste products and toxins from blood.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate the self-regeneration and self-repairing of the impaired kidney tissues and cells. If the kidney structure can be reversed, the kidney function will be improved fundamentally. Thereby, the patients will be able to live as long as the general population.

In addition to Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Blood Purification, there are also circle therapy, medicated bath, foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture and Medicinal Soup, etc in our hospital. These therapies are all effective for kidney disease.

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