
How to Avoid FSGS Relapse

FSGS relapse is really annoying for the patients. It can speed up the progression of kidney disease and decline your kidney function. Then how to avoid FSGS relapse?

What are the causes of FSGS relapse?

FSGS is an immune-mediated disorder.It occurs as the immune system fails to work normally and causes deposits of immune complexes in filtering units in kidneys.The deposits can cause inflammation of kidneys,thus resulting in renal function deterioration.

The conventional treatments in western medicines mainly focus on controlling symptoms like proteinuria,high blood pressure and edema.Also,immunosuppressive agents are used to suppress the inflammatory response in kidneys.These treatments can slow the progression of the disease to some extent.

However,as the abnormal immune system is not corrected,any triggering factors can initiate inflammatory response in kidneys such as cold, urinary tract infection etc. Therefore, the patients are at high risk of FSGS relapse.

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How to prevent FSGS relapse?

Avoiding the triggering factors can reduce the FSGS relapse to some extent.
If the patients are on prednisone or steroids and other medicines,they should never reduce medicine dosage or stop using them without consulting with a nephrologist.

As abnormal immune system is underlying cause of FSGS cause, to prevent its relapse, the treatment should focus on correcting the immune dysfunction and rebuilding normal immune system. Additionally,treatment should be adopted to improve renal function and control the associated symptoms.

The combined therapy of immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the recommended treatment for FSGS.The treatments can help the patients attain the above treatment goals and prevent FSGS relapse completely.

However, the treatments are not appropriate to all FSGS patients. You can consult with our online doctor and get to know if it is recommended to you.

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