
Creatinine 6.0 and Chronic Kidney Disease

People with creatinine 6.0 are eager to know the treatment. You know the high creatinine level is caused by kidney disorder, so if you want to lower it, you need to correct the kidney disorder, that is to improve the kidney function. Well then, what is the treatment for creatinine 6.0 in chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
What will happen if patient with creatinine 6.0 do not take treatment right now ?

If patient with creatinine 6.0 do not take treatment timely, the creatinine level will goes up and people will suffer more and more complications and symptoms. What’s worse, they will to face dialysis or renal transplant as soon as the disease falls into End Stage Renal Disease.

How to decease creatinine level of 6.0 ?

As we mentioned at the beginning, if you want to lower the high creatinine level you need to improve the kidney function.

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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtherapy as one of the innovation of Traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damage kidney tissues and protect the remaining ones from further damage, so it can be the good choice for people who want to lower the high creatinine level.

Interventional Therapy as the latest therapies of kidney disease, it also have significant effect in improving kidney function. It put a Micro-catheter into the vessels of kidney under the construction of image documentation equipment, after the catheter is settled in, doctors will inject some unique medicines or set some holders into the kidneys though it.

If you want to know more details about this therapy or need any help in treating kidney disease, please email to xuelingren10100054@sina.com.

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