
What Is The Best Treatment For Creatinine 7.2 In Kidney Failure

What is the best treatment for creatinine 7.2 in kidney failure? Actually in our hospital the main treatment is Chinese medicine treatment. Which one is used depends on your illness condition. Here I introduce several therapy for high creatinine level.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is an innovation of traditional Chinese herb medicine, which is well-known for its little side-effect and remarkable curative effect. This therapy can improve the kidney function by repairing the damaged kidneys and protect the residual kidneys from further damage.

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Foot Bath Therapy: this kind of therapy has thousands years of history in China, it can be used as the assistant therapies. Cooperated with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it can discharge some of the toxins out of the body by skin. In addition, it is also helpful for promoting the circulation of blood.

Enema Therapy: It is also an essence part of traditional Chinese Medicine, by applying some herbs with purgative function to restore the function of spleen and stomach to elevate the lucid. The sort-terms function of this therapy are as follows: No ammonia tastes in the mouth, relieved and skin itch, improved appetite, relief of anemia, increased urine.

Except the above therapies, there are some other ones such as Circle Therapy and Full Bath Therapy also have good effect in treating kidney disease. Due to each of them has their own features, during the treatment doctor will arrange different of them for patient so as to achieve the best effect.

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