
How to reduce urinary protein from the diet

Proteinuria appears, it will result in the loss of protein. As we all know, protein is an important human organic polymer, we also rely on those proteins to survive, so if there is loss of protein, our health will be affected. Here Xiaobian, take a look at how proteinuria from the diet drop it!

1, Astragalus porridge

Choose the right amount of rice or rice with raw Astragalus, Chinese yam, lotus seeds and meat, wolfberry, Poria, walnut meat, lotus leaf porridge appropriate amount of clothing, daily or every other day 1 cup small bowl, course uncertain. Astragalus porridge observed through clinical practice to reduce urinary protein to a certain extent, but we must insist on taking, so as to help stabilize the disease.

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Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

PKD, Creatinine 4.8, urine output 2500, back pain and liver cyst

Stage 4 Kidney Failure, Creatinine 3.6, GFR 23, BUN 55, Diabetic Nephropathy

Just Diagnosed as PKD, GFR82, is Proteinuria a Symptom of Kidney Failure

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2, mulberry

Mulberry either the food, but also can be used as medicine. Chinese medicine, the liver stores the blood, kidney marrow, is personal energy storage base. Mulberry and sweet cold, with liver and kidney effects. Mulberry addition to these benefits, there are a lot of effects. Sheng Jin Runchang, Liver eyesight, soothe the nerves beauty, blood UFA, are mulberry effect; modern medicine also found that mulberry regulate immunity, promote hematopoietic cell growth, anti-mutagenic, anti-aging, lowering blood sugar, blood fat, liver and other health effects.

3, chestnut

Folk with chestnut nourishing, healing many ways, but most people are eating cooked, everyone knows, raw chestnut kidney effects greatly exceeds the cooked food. Chestnut medical scientist Sun Simiao said was "the fruit also kidney, kidney Yi Shi." It is noteworthy that, he added the "Qian food governance" in said: "The raw food, Jinji waist and feet fail to materialize." Emphasis on the "raw" This usage.

For kidney disease patients require different conditions, dietary adjustments, the patient will lose proteinuria and protein binding of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals in many cases appear next. So not only eat high-protein, these elements need to be supplemented.

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