
Kidney Failure Patients Should Supplement Vitamins and Minerals

Patients with renal failure who diet in their daily lives is a considerable number of precautions, in particular should pay attention to add vitamins and minerals. We all know the dangers of kidney failure and the severity of the harm to the body is quite large, then the patient during the treatment they need to pay great attention to add the necessary material. In particular, pay attention to add vitamins and minerals.

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1, vitamin supplements. Patients with renal failure can more vitamin, which is helpful for patients with diseases conditioning. Renal failure patients often have nausea, vomiting, anorexia, anorexia and other gastrointestinal symptoms and diet control, reduce food intake, inadequate intake coupled with increased catabolism, also lost part of the process of dialysis, the patient is clearly insufficient vitamin especially water-soluble vitamins B and vitamin C, folic acid and so on, need to be appropriate to add. Therefore, patients must eat more substances containing these rich fresh vegetables and fruits. Or give oral tablet.

2, supplement minerals. Minerals are also essential, especially in patients with renal failure and needs. Most chronic renal failure patients had more or less electrolyte imbalance, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other high in the eating process, the need to make appropriate adjustments based on the results of the blood test. Edema, hypertension, oliguric patients to take low-salt diet, the daily salt should not exceed 3g (including the sodium salt seasoning monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, etc.), other patients do not strictly limited.

Patients with kidney failure should be added vitamins and minerals! You read the above description, which also have a certain understanding. So renal failure patients must pay great attention to the above issues, good condition care.

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